Too many roles, too may expectations?

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The scope of the middle leader is vast, and some report too many roles coupled with too many expectations. One approach is to focus leader development through three lenses: Empathy, Action & Culture.

Action is all about priority, then performance. But how to prioritize when the team has so many inbound issues to deal with? Priority is the key to taking the right action at the right time.

Consider strategic culture, for the school (or organization), and for the team.

Most schools have a mission and a vision these days. But what about an annual strategic focus that sits inside a three-year strategic plan? If the answer for you is yes, your team leader role is so much easier.

And does your team have a group or solo culture? Does the team create a focus, and work collaboratively on this, or do your players head back to the classroom, close the door and do their own thing?

Chances are you leading the latter, and the focus is operations, not education.

So, you can be operating in four potential norms: a school with a strong strategic focus, or not. And a team of strategic collaborators, or not.

The good news is that no matter what you inherit, you can make a big difference with the right moves.

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