How to antifragile your leadership 💪

Antifragile things strengthen from volatility or stress, and as Nassim Nicholas Taleb points out in his book, there are plenty of antifragile examples around us. Our bodies, when exposed to exercise stress, become stronger.

Cast your thoughts to people who surround you. Some will be fragile, they 'weaken' under stress, while others are very much antifragile. What differentiates these two types?

✅Commitment to action but detachment from outcome

✅Self-observation and awareness of fragility traps (e.g assumptions)

✅Firm enough grip on beliefs to hold stability, yet loose enough to change and evolve

✅Use of hypothesis and curiosity instead of steadfastly using the past to predict the future

✅Healthy distance from internal narratives over being immersed in their 'truths'

✅Comfort with discomfort over hiding in habit

These traits all indicate the self-culture of antifragility. 

Teacher leaders, especially now, operate in a volatile, chaotic and stressful environment, the conditions required for developing antifragility. 

So commit to a journey that builds your own culture of antifragility. Build your capabilities in the above differentiators, and find a tribe of antifragile people who can show you the way.

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