Andrew Mowat

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Why do call them difficult conversations?

⚔️Difficult conversations. Crucial Conversations. Courageous Conversations. Tough Conversations. Fierce Conversations. Do you see a pattern?

Why do we place this sort of energy around conversations that matter? When we say we are about to have a 'difficult' conversation, we have already primed our brain this *will* be difficult. And it often is.

I'd like to suggest a different energy. Empathic conversations.

I think word palette is critical. Instead of a combative frame, why not bring a culture of compassion to the conversation?

Sure, uncomfortable things still need to be said. And yes, we'll still need courage, or some other mechanism, to support us to say what needs to be said. But surely, the shift from combative to collaborative expectation will shape our language and orientation to be more human.

Empathic conversations are also simpler:

✅ Frame the issue

✅ Listen deeply

✅ Observe and feed back

✅ Ask good questions

✅ Decide on action

It is a much calmer and more helpful place to speak from, simply by shifting one word. Empathic conversations elicit leaning in, not leaning away.

What are your thoughts?